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Remote Mower Raffle

Remote Mower Raffle

Michael White23 Jul - 12:26
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Squares still left - Win a cash prize of £350!!!

Following on from a successful raffle a couple of years ago, we are running another Mower Raffle. There are 209 squares to select. Choose your square, pay the club account depending on how many squares you want and after the Memorial game at Bagshot Park on Monday 26th August 2024 at 8pm we will stop the mower.
Whichever square the mower has entered at exactly 8pm, the owner of that square picks up the cash prize of 25% of the takings. If every square is sold then the prize could be between £350 and £520 ( a nice little earner)!
1 square = £10
3 squares = £20
The club is looking to fund a complete refurb/rebuild of our nets at Bagshot Park, so any support for this fundraiser is appreciated.
Please contact Mike White to select your squares either on whatsapp or
Please pay:- Bagshot Cricket Club once your number has been confirmed.
Sort Code: 09-06-66
Account No: 41568427
and reference your square.
Further reading